What is THCV?

THCV, short for tetrahydrocannabivarin, is a rare cannabinoid, which means that it naturally exists in extremely small quantities in cannabis and hemp plants. While THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is known for inducing the munchies, scientists are finding that THCV does the opposite. THCV has been called “skinny pot” for its alleged appetite-suppressing, stimulating effects. But, does it really work for weight loss? The results of scientific studies are very promising, especially for pure THCV, and THCV combined with CBD.

How does THCV reduce hunger?

Like other cannabinoids, THCV interacts with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a complex cell-signaling system made up of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes which are capable of interacting with its active chemical compounds including cannabinoids, such as THC, CBD, THCV, CBN, or CBG.  Experts are still learning how it works, but the ECS plays a role in regulating much of our mental and physical wellbeing, including appetite, mood and sleep.  The ECS consists of two main types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. THC activates the CB1 receptor which prompts the release of hunger-promoting hormones. THCV does the opposite, blocking the CB1 receptor and decreasing hunger.  The appetite-suppressing effect of blocking the CB1 receptor has been known for some time. However, pharmaceutical drugs designed to block this receptor caused bad side effects. Thankfully, THCV does not!

A recent L.A. Weekly article explains how, in addition to aiding weight loss, studies on THCV show it offers potential in helping type 2 diabetes, anxiety, panic attacks, addiction and schizophrenia.

THCV products

Are all THCV products the same?

Until recently, the only way to get THCV was to find cannabis flowers that naturally produce larger amounts of THCV, namely African landrace sativas. Cannabis strain hunters traversed the Congo in dugout canoes searching for these almost mythical plants that locals used for energy and to prevent hunger. Expeditions were so dangerous that an Italian strain hunter died of malaria in the Congo in 2017. Thankfully, advances in breeding and extraction have made it much easier to acquire THCV over the last couple years. Strains high in THCV include: Doug’s Varin, Durban Poison, Pineapple Purps, and Willie Nelson. However, even strains with the highest levels of THCV usually only contain around 1 to 5% of the cannabinoid. The rest is mostly THC, which probably cancels out most of THCV’s appetite suppressing properties. To receive the stimulating, weight loss benefits of THCV, you need large amounts of THCV without THC. This is why Hemp Nursing partnered exclusively with Rare Cananbinoid Company to provide you with purified THCV oil and THCV with CBD blend.

THCV has shown great potential in decreasing drug abuse and addiction and is highly effective in the management of stress, anxiety, and PTSD

THCV Benefits

Looking for other benefits of THCV?

In addition to weight loss, THCV has shown great potential in decreasing drug abuse and addiction and is highly effective in the management of stress, anxiety, PTSD and can even prevent panic attacks, according to Steep Hill Laboratories. THCV may also help with diabetes by regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. THCV appears to work best for type 2 diabetes, while CBD may be better for type 1, according to this study on THCV and diabetes. One may therefore want to try a blend of THCV and CBD for diabetes and weight loss. A human study found THCV has anti-psychotic effects and may help with schizophrenia. Amazingly, every cannabinoid is believed to offer many different specific health and wellness benefits, both mental and physical. In addition to the potential appetite-suppressing effects of THCV, scientific studies have shown the following results:  

  • THCV may decrease drug abuse and addiction. In this study, it was found to reduce nicotine-dependence in mice and rats.
  • Studies have shown THCV may decrease inflammation and inflammatory pain.
  • THCV has anti-psychotic effects. “THCV has therapeutic potential for ameliorating some of the negative, cognitive and positive symptoms of schizophrenia,” one study concluded. 
  • THCV and Parkinson’s Disease. “THCV shows promise both for the treatment of disease progression in PD and for the relief of PD symptoms.”
  • THCV shows promise in reducing or preventing seizures.
  • The individual components of the cannabis plant, including THC and CBD, were discovered and studied over the early to mid-1900s, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that scientists truly connected the dots on how cannabinoids interact with the body. The endocannabinoid system is a biochemical communicative network that plays a crucial role in regulating our major physiological functions. This complex, lipid-based system is an important part of human biology and is also found in any organism with a vertebra.

    Scientists have concluded that CB-receptor signaling regulates pain, inflammation, analgesia, appetite, gastrointestinal mobility, sleep cycles, immune cells, hormones, mood-altering neurotransmitters, and fertility. The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating both our cognitive process as well as our everyday experiences.

    The significant lock and key mechanism of the endocannabinoid system has completely changed our understanding of human anatomy and how the body heals.

    THC vs THCV

    THCV versus THC and does THCV get you high?

    Despite so much history, hype and scientific evidence around THCV’s benefits, it’s surprisingly hard to find THCV for sale and products that claim to be THCV usually aren’t. Many are full spectrum CBD or THC oils. Like CBD, THCV does not get you high (at least at normal doses). Meanwhile, THC is intoxicating and increases hunger rather than reducing it. THCV also costs far more to produce than CBD or THC.

    To learn more about THCV and see links to scientific studies about how THCV may work for weight loss by decreasing one’s appetite as well as research into diabetes, addiction and more, please see these articles:

    Leafly: “Everything You Need To Know About THCV”

    L.A. Weekly: “THCV: The Best THCV for Weight Loss and Energy

    Leafly: “Can THCV Really Curb The Munchies?”

    High Times: “THCV, CBN and CBG: Learn which Rare Cannabinoid is Best for Weight Loss, Sleep or Pain”

    Leafly: “What is THCV and what are the benefits of this cannabinoid?”

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